Am I in a rut?  Sometimes it is easy enough to blame it on a “case of the Mondays”, especially after a long weekend or vacation.  (If you just got back from a week in an Italian villa, it may be best to defer making any big life choices today!).  But what if all Mondays feel crappy? What if the dread of Monday starts to impact your Sunday nights?  What if Tuesday and Wednesday start to feel a lot like Monday??  You start to ask yourself, “Am I sick? depressed? do I have mono?  Why is it hard to get excited about work lately??

While you once felt “in your groove” at work, that same groove can turn into a rut over time.  Maybe your ‘Groove’ job has changed enough that the elements that once energized and motivated you are now missing.  Here’s some questions to help you assess your situation – answer honestly, often your first reaction to the question is the most legit response!

  • Has the newness of your role just worn off?
  • Are you feeling less challenged?
  • Are you no longer learning or growing your skills?
  • Are you working remotely more often?  Do you miss social interactions with coworkers?
  • Have you lost your perspective or your “WHY”?

Understanding what has changed is important, but understanding WHAT YOU WANT is much more important.  Now take time to consider the following:

  • What are your favorite parts of your current role? 
  • What was your best past role? 
  • What does a perfect day or activity look like?  How does that make you feel?
  • What do you like most about those activities/tasks/responsibilities? 
  • What are your least favorite parts of your current job?  Why? 
  • What is the balance between the positives and the negatives?  Has this balance changed?

Taking an inventory of both the good and the bad will help you begin charting your course to a reenergized place.