I find transitions tough because what you are losing is clear, concrete, and measurable, but the future is still fuzzy, ambiguous, and difficult to measure.  In his podcast, Patrick discusses practical ways to navigate this ‘neutral zone’.

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Check out my Five-Minute Insights below and link to the podcast.



Nick’s Five-Minute Insights – 

People often resist change, either within an organization or as an individual, when in fact change itself can be motivating and exciting.  This podcast clarifies that what causes difficulties with any change, positive or negative, is the emotional element or “transition” involving a distinct loss as a result of the change.  How the individual processes the loss(es) will determine if they can successfully embrace the change or not.


The seven types of losses caused by change are:
  1. Loss of identity (example: change of name at the time of marriage)
  2. Loss of turf (example: change of your job description
  3. Loss of structure (example: day-to-day expectations
  4. Loss of control (example: making decisions for oneself vs. as a married couple)
  5. Loss of future (example: divorce or death of a spouse)
  6. Loss of attachments (example: a move or job change alters relationships/social network)
  7. Loss of meaning/purpose (example: retirement alters sense of focus and accomplishment


Individuals going through the same change (for example, a company layoff) may experience very different types of loss and this applies to changes in personal life just as much as professional changes.


If you believe that you can CHOOSE how to respond to the loss, you can maintain your peace throughout the change process.


Response options include:
  • Restore:  go back to the original state (example: try to get your job back)
  • Replace:  find a new option (example: go to a new company, similar role)
  • Redesign:  redefine your option (example: try a new career)
  • Relinquish:  let go of that option (example: retire)


When faced with a change:
  1. Decide exactly what you are losing
  2. Reflect and decide “how will I respond?”
  3. Find a way to ceremoniously signal the change (example: burn your business cards!), mark the moment that “it’s over”, and move to the future


If you’d like help navigating a transition for you or your team, let’s chat :
schedule a free 30-minute coaching session.